quarta-feira, 29 de junho de 2016

A Heart In New York

New York, to that tall skyline I come,

flyin' in from Brasília to your door

New York, lookin' down on Central Park

Where they say you should not wander after dark

New York, like a scene from all those movies

But you're real enough to me, but there's a heart
A heart that lives in New York
A heart in New York, a flower on the street

I write my song to that city heartbeat
A heart in New York, love in her eye, an open door and a friend for the night

New York, you got money on your mind

And my words won't make a dime's worth a difference, so here's to you New York

4 comentários:

  1. https://twitter.com/umarbzv/status/1561613390149214208?s=21&t=eP1aKloWlHs9FnUQskDTyA

  2. https://twitter.com/w0rld2022/status/1561701359468044289?s=21&t=HQwq59FRm3V_Ca2R73b-BA

  3. https://twitter.com/kellyrkopp/status/1634980506998829056?s=46&t=eQ_7eZ4qOJLRS_mjhKUlsA

  4. https://twitter.com/empirestatebldg/status/1635339952115294231?s=46&t=eQ_7eZ4qOJLRS_mjhKUlsA
