sábado, 25 de junho de 2016

Streets of philadelphia

Where no angel gonna greet me but Philly steak will do :-)

and my clothes don't fit me no more :-(

with streets shared with bicycles

but when parking do not let locker only at wheel or

If it happens try some yoga to relax

but I prefer my way of doing it :-)

and to fit in my clothes I choose smaller cup :-)

there is a river

and sidewalk

also a market like the one in São Paulo

without an upper level to take better pictures neither simples :-(

If you miss banana republic there is one too :-)

In the night

a dinner at one of million businesses around the world that belongs to a friend of mine :-)

4 comentários:

  1. https://cbn.globoradio.globo.com/media/audio/321687/culinaria-americana-vai-muito-alem-do-hamburguer-e.htm

  2. https://cbn.globoradio.globo.com/media/audio/321693/para-acompanhar-tipico-sanduiche-americano-vinho-t.htm
