sexta-feira, 26 de abril de 2013

Before leaving

1) The post's title (from the brazilian translation) was taken from a movie I saw some scenes while taking a breakfast.

2) We want  money and happiness - Titãs

3) a travel tip suggested by my personal tourist guide who never makes  mistakes but me...hmmm.... :-)

4) Time flies

5) The origin of suffering is attachment (buddhism)

6) Any stone on your way, you can withdraw (Roberto and Erasmo)

7) I was advised by a friend about tension in the neighborhood and maybe I could calm them down :-)

8) My mother will reach 80 age soon and if I delay my back I'll celebrate with her :-)

9) Life is too short to be small (Benjamin Disraeli)

10) I still haven't found what I'm looking for (U2)

All together at same time is known as synergy but on the other side all collected along the travel is a strong signal that I must start a sabbatical period so I've just arrived at Seoul with quiet mind, spine erect and tranquil heart :-)

4 comentários:

reverie disse...

Fechando, como sempre.. em grande estilo. :-)

Tudo é uma questão de manter
A mente quieta
A espinha ereta
E o coração tranquilo
A toda hora, todo momento
De dentro prá fora
De fora prá dentro
A toda hora, todo momento
De dentro prá fora
De fora prá dentro

Lauro disse...

fechando não.... abrindo... pois começou meu período sabático :-)

reverie disse...

como assim?! hehehe.

Lauro disse...