domingo, 31 de março de 2013


The correct destination was reached :-) and I started by Nanzen-in

A short walk is Eikan-dô but I saw lots of photography forbidden signs and afraid of increasing mistakes list that I took only outside pictures :-)

Also close to them is Tetsugaku-no-Michi or path of philosophy that can be done in about 30 minutes in which I haven't got any good idea but lots of bad ones :-)

After walking almost all day long I took a bus to rest at hotel but the traffic was/is heavy so when I heard that there is a connection with subway on the next stop, I got off fortunately close to Gion

and I assure the picture above was taken before the Asahi :-)

and it can be proved by the light reflected on the table

2 comentários:

reverie disse...

sei não. não me convenceu muito.. hahaha. e que tal a Asahi?

Lauro disse...

prefiro a suntory mas como quem não tem cão caça com gato..... :-)