terça-feira, 21 de maio de 2013

The missing root

Before writing about the last root a short and unbelievable happening.
I stopped to drink some coffee just after arriving at Hamamatsu and the man beside me
1) went out to use the cell phone and I guess it was to not bother others people
2) let his valuable belongs unattended (laptop and open wallet)

unbelievable.... unbelievable... I've paid attention in this kind of japanese behavior hood and also asked to some japanese about the reason for being this way and more than once the same answer: education.
How many Cristovam will be necessary before the same happens in Brazil ? the answer is blowing in the wind.

But back to believable one :-)
Hamamatsu is the city where my mother's parents came from with a castle

and a statue of Ieyasu the castle's builder.

In this city there are many brazilians and I could realize it by listening to romantic language of the portuguese :-) and by looking at some signals written in the same language

With this I've found what I was looking for .... both roots :-) and a new question in my mind:

Why did my grandparents decide to let Japan toward other side of the earth ?

Unfortunately they can't answer this question so I'll keep looking for it :-)

4 comentários:

reverie disse...

ih!! já vi esse filme!! outro dia eu estava na praça de alimentação do aeroporto de Guarulhos e fiquei observando a calma de um turista japonês. ele se levantou para fazer um pedido em uma lanchonete próxima e deixou suas coisas em cima de uma mesa. deixou laptop, carteira, casaco e uma pequena mala. isso durante vários minutos. a praça de alimentação estava lotada. e em nenhum momento ele olhou para trás para ver se suas coisas ainda estavam lá. achei a situação tão surpreendente que tomei conta das coisas dele sem querer. :-)

Lauro disse...

boa menina... boa menina... hehehehe... além de Cristovam how many Reverie ? :-)

reverie disse...

hehehehe.. difícil saber. :-)

Lauro disse...