domingo, 4 de março de 2012

The day after

(*) tip: any picture is a link to the same larger one

Tired due the hard day before I decided to rest for a while :-) anyway today is sunday ...hmmm!!! and tomorrow, too :-)

So as stated in the guide I've been using (if you have time and money to visit only one hot spring in Costa Rica, make it Tabacón) I went to Tabacón hot springs in order to get some warm water massage (about 40 celsius degree).

Tired of getting massage ? just rest for a while at Shangri-La garden

There is also a place to pray...

... and eat .... and drink :-)

2 comentários:

Denise disse...

Agora eu senti firmeza. Começou a melhorar. Belíssimo lugar. A borboleta de ontem me deixou um pouco agoniada. Arriba! Abajo! Avante!!!

Lauro disse...

A lo mejor es que usted vea con su proprios ojos :-)