domingo, 21 de abril de 2013

Kerama Islands

There is half internet that means it works... it doesn't work... it works... it doesn't work... that is much better than no internet :-)

Yesterday I went to  Tomari port  to know the boat's schedule to Kerama islands and it was told to me 9 a.m. and 3 p.m.

So today at 08:30 a.m. I arrived at port but mother earth sent over 3 meters waves and 9 a.m. boat was cancelled so there was time to:

1) After reading about absence of ATMs machines in these islands, I tried to get some cash without success…. take it easy and keep reading because I'll not ask any money…. for a while :-) Here is not Colombia but I started thinking again about changing bank 

2) listen some good song

3) eat an okinawan lunch

4) exercice patience

and finally take the boat towards Zamami jima chosen as my base point at Kerama

and the best: without paddling :-)

5 comentários:

reverie disse...

hehehe.. engraçadinho!
decisão inteligente! hehehehe.. essas 'ondinhas' avantajadas provavelmente são consequências do terremoto de magnitude 6,1 que foi registrado neste domingo em ilhas na costa sul do Japão.:(

Lauro disse...

decisão ???? é quando vc escolhe... neste caso sem escolha foi esperar.... esperar.... :-)

reverie disse...

eles tiveram motivo para isso. e nessa 'espera' não deu nem para conhecer mais cervejas? hehehe. :-)

Lauro disse...
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Lauro disse...

é verdade !!! isso que eu chamo de tempo perdido :-)